Body Damping Solutions-Hangzhou Zhijiang Silicone Chemicals CO.,LTD

Body Damping Solution

Focus on Quality Bonding, Create a Peaceful Future

Snugdamp201 damping film is a sound absorption and noise reduction product with ultra-high self-adhesiveness. Without the need for high-temperature baking, it can be directly pasted onto the body sheet metal to achieve good sound absorption and noise reduction effects. The product has good odor, low VOC, high temperature resistance, cold shock resistance, resistance to electrophoretic fluid, pre-treatment fluid, corrosion resistance, and good storage stability. Overview of Hot Melt Damping Products: Snugdamp203 Hot Melt Damping Film is a sound absorption and noise reduction product with high temperature viscosity. The product is directly laid onto the required body sheet metal and has a good bonding effect with the sheet metal after high-temperature baking. It has good odor, low VOC, flexibility, high temperature resistance, cold shock resistance, resistance to electrophoretic fluid, pre-treatment fluid, corrosion resistance, and good storage stability.